BITS-IR: A reservoir of BITS Knowledge resources, is an Institutional Repository for collecting, indexing, preserving, and disseminating electronic access to the intellectual output of the BITS community. The IR contains Theses, Dissertations, Data sets, reports, Digitised Rare Books, Pre-print and post-print research articles published by BITS Faculty members, students, and research scholars. This will work as an important platform to facilitate scholarly communication and preserve the institution's knowledge. One can browse the document by author, title, subject, and date as well as both simple and advanced search facilities.
- 1964 EEE
- 1767 Chemistry
- 1484 Mechanical Engineering
- 1119 Pharmacy
- 1003 Computer Science
- 932 Civil Engineering
- 880 Physics
- 869 Mathematics
- 698 Biology
- 568 Journal of the Chemical Society :...
- next >
Date issued
- 12268 2000 - 2923
- 4822 1600 - 1999