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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-05Benchmarking the contention aware nature inspired metaheuristic task scheduling algorithmsMishra, Abhishek
2010-10A Clustering Heuristic for Multiprocessor Environments Using Computation and Communication Loads of ModulesMishra, Abhishek
2023-11A compact formulation for the mdmsop: theoretical and computational time analysisMishra, Abhishek
2014-06Complexity of a problem of energy efficient real-time task scheduling on a multicore processorMishra, Abhishek
2018-12An edge priority-based clustering algorithm for multiprocessor environmentsMishra, Abhishek
2011-04Energy Efficient Task Scheduling of Sendreceive Task Graphs on Distributed Multicore Processors with Software Controlled Dynamic Voltage ScalingMishra, Abhishek
2012-12Energy efficient voltage scheduling for multi-core processors is an important issue in the context of parallel and distributed computing. Dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) is used to reduce the energy consumption of cores. Nowadays processor vendors are providing software for DVS. We consider a system using a single multi-core processor with software controlled DVS having a finite set of discretely available core speeds. Our contribution to this work is solving a well-known energy efficient voltage scheduling problem on the considered system. The problem that we consider is to find a minimum energy voltage scheduling for a given computational load that has to be completed within a given deadline. First we show that the existing methods to solve this problem on other processor models fail to apply on our processor model. Then we formulate an Integer Program (IP) for the problem.Mishra, Abhishek
2014-07Energy efficient voltage scheduling for multi-core processors with software controlled dynamic voltage scalingMishra, Abhishek
2024-11Exploring the performance of genetic algorithm and variable neighborhood search for solving the single depot multiple set orienteering problem: a comparative studyMishra, Abhishek
2010-09An extention of edge zeroing heuristic for scheduling precedence constrained task graphs on parallel systems using cluster dependent priority schemeMishra, Abhishek
2024-11Hardness amplification via group theoryMishra, Abhishek
2014-04A Monte Carlo algorithm for real time task scheduling on multi-core processors with software controlled dynamic voltage scalingMishra, Abhishek
2024The multi-depot multiple set orienteering problem: an integer linear programming formulationMishra, Abhishek
2025-02New techniques for constructing rare-case hard functionsMishra, Abhishek
2015On Spectra of Corona GraphsMishra, Abhishek
2022The Orienteering Problem: A Review of Variants and Solution ApproachesMishra, Abhishek
2020-09Performance Evaluation of Simulated Annealing-Based Task Scheduling AlgorithmsMishra, Abhishek
2012A Randomized Scheduling Algorithm For Multiprocessor EnvironmentsMishra, Abhishek
2016A Randomized Scheduling Algorithm for Multiprocessor Environments Using Local SearchMishra, Abhishek
2021A Simulated Annealing based Energy Efficient Task Scheduling Algorithm for Multi-core ProcessorsMishra, Abhishek