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Title: Rectangularly Dualizable Graphs: Area-Universality
Authors: Shekhawat, Krishnendra
Keywords: Mathematics
Rectangularly dualizable graphs
Rectangular duals
VLSI circuit
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: ARXIV
Abstract: A plane graph is called a rectangular graph if each of its edges can be oriented either horizontally or vertically, each of its interior regions is a four-sided region and all interior regions can be tted in a rectangular enclosure. If the dual of a plane graph is a rectangular graph, then the plane graph is a rectangularly dualizable graph. A rectangular dual is area-universal if any assignment of areas to each of its regions can be realized by a combinatorially weak equivalent rectangular dual. It is still unknown that there exists no polynomial time algorithm to construct an area-universal rectangular dual for a rectangularly dualizable graph . In this paper, we describe a class of rectangularly dualizable graphs wherein each graph can be realized by an areauniversal rectangular dual. We also present a polynomial time algorithm for its construction.
URI: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2101.06912
Appears in Collections:Department of Mathematics

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