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dc.contributor.authorChoudhary, Sanjiv Kumar-
dc.description.abstractScientifi c literacy is a crucial goal of science education that must adapt to the needs of the time.Different scientifi c literacy frameworks (such as the PISA 2018 scientifi c literacy framework; Cansiz &Cansiz, ave been used for evaluating textbooks to evaluate the content. However, in recent years,a signifi cant body of literature about contemporary challenges, such as ‘environmental issues,misinformation, science denial, responsible and transformative actions,’ has emerged, necessitating anupdate to the current framework. This paper seeks to address this research gap by critically reviewingand synthesizing the recent literature on scientifi c literacy. This research paper proposes a reconstructedscientifi c literacy framework for evaluating textbooks that align with science education's evolving needsand challenges by analyzing and incorporating the latest insights, also considering the latest PISA 2025framework. After careful analysis, considering the Cansiz & Cansiz ( 2019 ) framework as the base,descriptors of the aspect ‘Interaction of STSE’ have been reconceptualized, the aspect ‘Affective side ofscience’ has been reconceptualized as ‘Affective engagement with science,’ and the addition of a newaspect, ‘Environmental awareness and responsibility’ dedicated explicitly to environmental challengesand suitable actions, is suggested. The reconstructed framework will serve as a valuable resource foreducators, policymakers, and researchers to enhance the teaching and assessment of scientifi c literacyin educational settings. The fi ndings of this research have the potential to contribute to the ongoingdiscourse on scientifi c literacy and provide valuable guidance for future curriculum development andeducational practices.en_US
dc.subjectScientific Literacy frameworken_US
dc.subjectScience educationen_US
dc.titleReimagining scientific literacy: a framework for future-focused science educationen_US
Appears in Collections:Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

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