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Journal Articles (before-1995) : [638] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 638
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1977Numerical Estimation of Equilibrium ConcentrationsDaul, C.; Goël, J.-J.
1977Flash photolysis of ketene. Photolysis mechanism and rate constants for singlet and triplet methylenePilling, Michael J.; Robertson, James A.
1977Interaction of Diatomic Molecules with Clean Metal Wire Surfaces Part 2.—Nitrogen on TungstenCouper, Aitken; John, Christopher S.
1977Interaction of diatomic molecules with clean metal wire surfaces. Part 1.—Hydrogen on tungstenCouper, Aitken; John, Christopher S.
1977Determination of the Surface Heterogeneity of Solid Particulates using the Patchwise Adsorption ModelHouse, William A.; Jaycock, Michael J.
1977Studies in the system calcium sulphate/water. Part 5.—Surface area and porosity changes in the dehydration of calcium sulphate dihydrateBall, Matthew C.; Norwood, Leslie S.
1977Conductance of Beryllium Sulphate Solution at High PressureHsieh, A. K.; Ang, K. P.; Chang, M.
1977Gibbs energy of formation of SO2. A high temperature electrochemical studyRosenqvist, Terkel; Haugom, Jack
1977Kinetics of the hydrogen reduction of nickel ions in silica–magnesiaBriend-Faure, Marguerite; Delafosse, Denise
1977Work and entropy of adhesion at liquid–liquid interfaces and the relationship to salt desorptionAveyard, Robert; Saleem, Syed M.
1977Thermolysis of 2-ethyloxetanClarke, Michael J.; Holbrook, Kenneth A.
1977Infrared study of the surface of silica immersed in liquid mixtures of hydrocarbonsRochester, Colin H.; Trebilco, Deborah-Anne
1977Far-ultraviolet solution spectroscopy of the bromide ionFox, Malcolm F.; Hayon, Elie
1977Effect of cyano-group substitution of rates of metathetical reactions. Part 2.—Abstraction of chlorine atoms by cyclohexyl radicals from CHCl2CN and CH2ClCNGonen, Yued; Horowitz, Abraham; Rajbenbach, Leon A.
1977Excited states of protoporphyrin IX dimethyl ester: reaction on the triplet with carotenoidsChantrell, Susan J.; McAuliffe, Charles A.; Munn, Robert W.; Pratt, Albert C.
1977Electrochemical luminescence of rubrene dissolved in benzonitrile in thin cellsDunnett, James S.; Voïnov, Michel
1977Interpretation of the “Intermediate Frequency” Dielectric Spectra of Synthetic Zeolites XRavalitera, Guy; Carru, Jean-Claude; Chapoton, Alain
1977Determination of Electronic Transference Numbers of PolymersPetit, Michel A.; Jozefowicz, Marcel
1977Physico-Chemical Studies in Nonaqueous Solvents Part 13.—Thermochemical Studies of some 1; 1 electrolytes in TetramethylureaPaul, Jauhar, Surinder P. Ram C.; Banait, Narula, Suraj P. Jagtar S.
1977Solute interactions in dilute aqueous solutions. Part 3.—Volume changes associated with the hydrophobic interactionFranks, Felix
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 638