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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 575
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1974Thermodynamic Study of Disorder in Hexa-amminenickel(II) Iodide and Diamminenickel(II) IodideWorswick, Richard D.; Cowell, Janice C.; Staveley, Lionel A. K.
1974Dissociation Energies of BeF and BeCl and the Heat of Formation of BeCIFFarber, Milton; Srivastava, Rameshwar D.
1974Absorption and Emission Studies of Solubilization in Micelles: Part 2.—Determination of Aggregation Numbers and Solubilisate Diffusion in Cationic MicellesDorrance, Richard C.; Hunter, Thomas F.
1974Determination of Heats of Sublimation of Organic Compounds by a Mass Spectrometric-Knudsen Effusion MethodArshadi, Mohammed R.
1974Ion Exchange in MordeniteBarrer, Richard M.; Klinowski, Jacek
1974Dissolution Rates of Ionic Solids: Part 2.—Calcium Bisfdihydrogen phosphate) Monohydrate+Anhydrite (Calcium Sulphate)Barton, Allan F. M.; McConnel, Stephen R.
1974Explosive Oxidation of Hydrogen Sulphide: Self-heating, Chain-branching and Chain-thermal Contributions to Spontaneous IgnitionGray, Peter; Sherrington, Malcolm E.
1974Thermodynamics of n-Alkane+Dimethylsiloxane Mixtures: Part 3.—Excess VolumesDickinson, Eric; McLure, Tan A.
1974Thermodynamics of n-Alkane+Dirnethylsiloxane Mixtures: Part 2.—Vapour Pressures and Enthalpies of MixingDickinson, Eric; McLure, Ian A.; Powell, Bernard H.
1974Thermodynamics of n-alkane + dimethylsiloxane mixtures: Part 1.—Gas–liquid critical temperatures and pressuresDickinson, Eric; McLure, Ian A.
1974Modified entrainment method for measuring vapour pressures and heterogeneous equilibrium constants: Part 4.—The gallium arsenide/hydrogen chloride systemBattat, David; Faktor, Marc M.; Garrett, Ian; Moss, Rodney H.
1974Modified entrainment method for measuring vapour pressures and heterogeneous equilibrium constants: Part 3.—Measurement of diffusivity of hydrogen chloride in hydrogen and extension of the method to multicomponent diffusion at 700–1300 KBattat, David; Faktor, Marc M.; Garrett, Ian; Moss, Rodney H.
1974Modified entrainment method for measuring vapour pressures and heterogeneous equilibrium constants: Part 2.—Equilibria in the water/gallium systemBattat, David; Faktor, Marc M.; Garrett, Ian; Moss, Rodney H.
1974Modified entrainment method for measuring vapour pressures and heterogeneous equilibrium constants: Part 1.—Theory, and validation of the method using water and leadBattat, David; Faktor, Marc M.; Garrett, Ian; Moss, Rodney H.
1974Kinetics of the reaction of the nickel(II) ion with pyridine-2-azo-p-dimethylaniline in t-butanol + water mixturesCaldin, Edward F.; Godfrey, Peter
1974Kinetic studies of diatomic free radicals using mass spectrometry: Part 2.—Rapid bimolecular reactions involving the ClO X2ΠradicalClyne, Michael A. A.; Watson, Robert T.
1974Influence of Pressure on the Ionization of Substituted PhenolsHamann, Seffon D.; Linton, Max
1974Manganese(in) and its Hydroxo- and Chloro-complexes in Aqueous Perchloric Acid: Comparison with similar Transition-metal(m) ComplexesRosseinsky, David R.; Nicol, Michael J.; Kite, Kenneth; Hill, R. John
1974Heat Capacity of Nickel and Cobalt TelluridesMills, Kenneth C.
1974Mass Spectrometric Determination of the Dissociation Energies of the Molecules CuLi, AgLi and AuLiNeubert, A.; Zmbov, K. F.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 575