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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 591
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1974Ion Exchange in MordeniteBarrer, Richard M.; Klinowski, Jacek
1974Dissolution Rates of Ionic Solids: Part 2.—Calcium Bisfdihydrogen phosphate) Monohydrate+Anhydrite (Calcium Sulphate)Barton, Allan F. M.; McConnel, Stephen R.
1974Explosive Oxidation of Hydrogen Sulphide: Self-heating, Chain-branching and Chain-thermal Contributions to Spontaneous IgnitionGray, Peter; Sherrington, Malcolm E.
1974Thermodynamics of n-Alkane+Dimethylsiloxane Mixtures: Part 3.—Excess VolumesDickinson, Eric; McLure, Tan A.
1974Thermodynamics of n-Alkane+Dirnethylsiloxane Mixtures: Part 2.—Vapour Pressures and Enthalpies of MixingDickinson, Eric; McLure, Ian A.; Powell, Bernard H.
1974Thermodynamics of n-alkane + dimethylsiloxane mixtures: Part 1.—Gas–liquid critical temperatures and pressuresDickinson, Eric; McLure, Ian A.
1974Modified entrainment method for measuring vapour pressures and heterogeneous equilibrium constants: Part 4.—The gallium arsenide/hydrogen chloride systemBattat, David; Faktor, Marc M.; Garrett, Ian; Moss, Rodney H.
1974Modified entrainment method for measuring vapour pressures and heterogeneous equilibrium constants: Part 3.—Measurement of diffusivity of hydrogen chloride in hydrogen and extension of the method to multicomponent diffusion at 700–1300 KBattat, David; Faktor, Marc M.; Garrett, Ian; Moss, Rodney H.
1974Modified entrainment method for measuring vapour pressures and heterogeneous equilibrium constants: Part 2.—Equilibria in the water/gallium systemBattat, David; Faktor, Marc M.; Garrett, Ian; Moss, Rodney H.
1974Modified entrainment method for measuring vapour pressures and heterogeneous equilibrium constants: Part 1.—Theory, and validation of the method using water and leadBattat, David; Faktor, Marc M.; Garrett, Ian; Moss, Rodney H.
1974Kinetics of the reaction of the nickel(II) ion with pyridine-2-azo-p-dimethylaniline in t-butanol + water mixturesCaldin, Edward F.; Godfrey, Peter
1974Kinetic studies of diatomic free radicals using mass spectrometry: Part 2.—Rapid bimolecular reactions involving the ClO X2ΠradicalClyne, Michael A. A.; Watson, Robert T.
1974Influence of Pressure on the Ionization of Substituted PhenolsHamann, Seffon D.; Linton, Max
1974Manganese(in) and its Hydroxo- and Chloro-complexes in Aqueous Perchloric Acid: Comparison with similar Transition-metal(m) ComplexesRosseinsky, David R.; Nicol, Michael J.; Kite, Kenneth; Hill, R. John
1974Heat Capacity of Nickel and Cobalt TelluridesMills, Kenneth C.
1974Mass Spectrometric Determination of the Dissociation Energies of the Molecules CuLi, AgLi and AuLiNeubert, A.; Zmbov, K. F.
1974Selective Free Radical Reactions with Proteins and Enzymes: The Inactivation of Subtilisin Carlsberg and Subtilisin NovoBisby, Roger H.; Cundall, Robert B.
1974Protein-Surfactant Interactions: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Binding Isotherm Studies of Interactions between Bovine Serum Albumin and Sodium Dodecyl SulphateOakes, John
1974Electron Donor Sites on the Surface of Magnesium Oxide Powder studied by Electron Spin Resonance SpectroscopyCordischi, D.; Indovina, V.; Cimino, A.
1974Surface Properties of Silica-Magnesia GelsKermarec, M.; Briend-Faure, M.; Delafosse, D.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 591