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Title: Non-trivial self-organised floor plans: an optimisation strategy
Authors: Shekhawat, Krishnendra
Keywords: Mathematics
Non-rectangular floor plans (NRFPs)
Issue Date: Jan-2025
Publisher: Springer
Abstract: We present a novel workflow where non-rectangular floor plans (NRFPs), namely plans with at least one concave corner, are self-generated using a model that directly encodes key optimisation factors on spatial quality and energy consumption, with non-rectangular building envelopes. The modelling considers a number of key factors including architectural and urban quality, net zero factors and adherence to general residents’ feedback from previous studies. We provide evidence that the proposed workflow outperforms a number of optimisation solvers generally used in computational design, in those cases where solar radiation is most needed. Our study combines a syntactic approach with a computational one with a novel workflow to encode tangible and intangible factors to improve a specific class of non-trivial floor plans (L-shaped).
URI: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00004-024-00807-7
Appears in Collections:Department of Mathematics

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