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Title: A new generalization of the minimal excludant arising from an analogue of Franklin's identity
Authors: Eyyunni, Pramod
Keywords: Mathematics
Euler's identity
Franklin's identity
Partition identities
Issue Date: May-2023
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: Euler's classical identity states that the number of partitions of an integer into odd parts and distinct parts are equinumerous. Franklin gave a generalization by considering partitions with exactly j different multiples of r, for a positive integer r. We prove an analogue of Franklin's identity by studying the number of partitions with j multiples of r in total and in the process, discover a natural generalization of the minimal excludant (mex) which we call the r-chain mex. Further, we derive the generating function for , the sum of r-chain mex taken over all partitions of n, thereby deducing a combinatorial identity for , which neatly generalizes the result of Andrews and Newman for , the sum of mex over all partitions of n.
URI: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012365X23000201
Appears in Collections:Department of Mathematics

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