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Title: The Impact of LMX and Job Stress on Service Quality of Police Personnel Through the Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction and Moderating Role of Social Support
Authors: Naim, Mohammad Faraz
Keywords: Management
Leader–member exchange (LMX)
Job stress
Quality of service (QoS)
Issue Date: May-2024
Publisher: Sage
Abstract: This study examines how leader–member exchange (LMX) and job stress affect the calibre of service provided by police personnel, considering the mediating effects of job satisfaction and the moderating effects of social support. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse data from 1,273 people from North India and 552 police personnel. According to the findings, job satisfaction acts as a buffer between job stress and the good effects of LMX on service quality. Particularly at moderate and higher levels, social support reduces the mediation effect of job satisfaction between LMX and service quality as well as between job stress and service quality. This study offers insights to improve service quality for Indian police personnel through the presentation of a comprehensive framework that tackles job stress, job satisfaction, LMX and social support.
URI: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/23197145241244596
Appears in Collections:Department of Management

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