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Title: Value co-creation: a metatheory unifying framework and fundamental propositions
Authors: Goyal, Praveen
Keywords: Management
Fundamental propositions
Issue Date: Jan-2025
Publisher: Emerald
Abstract: Value co-creation (VCC) represents actors’ joint, communal or shared value-creating processes. However, while existing research has advanced important VCC-based insight, the use of differing metatheoretical lenses to study VCC incurs a risk of theoretical fragmentation, thus potentially hampering this research stream’s continued development. We, therefore, undertake an in-depth review of the corpus of VCC research that focuses on its common conceptual underpinnings as anchored in differing perspectives.
URI: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/mip-03-2024-0163/full/html
Appears in Collections:Department of Management

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