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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 46
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Trade and sustainable development goals: Issues and evidences from emerging economiesJain, Neha
2024Climate change impact on water resources: Challenges for sustainable development in India with a focus on RajasthanPandey, Suchitra
2024Impact of organisational culture and human resource Practices on the retention of doctors in multi-speciality Tertiary care teaching hospitals in private and Government sectorsDavid, Samuel N J
2024Norms evolution under multi-agent systems-
2023Household finance issues in IndiaLahiri, Shreya
2023Issues related to natural disasters, gender, and coping behaviour of womenGeorge, Bincy
2023Impact of trade openness on selected macroeconomic variables: an empirical investigation in BRICS nationsMegha
2023Role of ict diffusion on financial development, inclusive growth and environmental sustainability in saarc countries: issues and evidenceVerma, Anushka
2023Examining the public debt-growth relationship and debt sustainability: evidence from IndiaSaini, Pratibha
2024Design and development of robust credit risk management and risk appetite framework for the banking sectorJoshi, Ankur
2003The Airline Time Tabling Problem Use of Perturbation and Parallel Search TechniquesSasikumar, M
2004Analysis of banking sector operations in India with special reference to private banks in response to technological and other developments with a view to develop a feature banking modelSingh, Prakash
2011-05Assessment of impact of the urban microfinance programmes on empowerment of women in MaharashtraDeshpande, Prema
2001-01Analysis of the performance of Indian banks in the emerging competitive environment and suggested strategies for regulationSharma, Meera
2001-06Analysis of the performance of Indian banks in the emerging competitive environment and suggested strategies for regulationSharma, Meera
2005-11-17Analysis of e-Business Models and Business Process Simulation for Internet BankingMaheshwari, Neeru
2021Analyzing Gender Differences in Influence of Socio-Economic Factors on Travel PatternsSAIGAL, TARU
2022-03Promoting Women Entrepreneurship in Indian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises: An Empirical AnalysisChhabra, Sakshi
2022Asset-Liability Management: An Empirical Analysis of Selected Banks in IndiaTANWAR, JYOTI
2022An empirical investigation of socio-economic inequality and intergenerational mobility in IndiaSingh, Anuradha
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 46