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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 377
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Taliban: The Story of the Afghan WarlordsRamachandran, Veena
2024-12From crisis to cure: the afghan refugee dilemma, security, and technological interventionsRamachandran, Veena
2024China’s afghan odyssey: from war to prosperity in Taliban-controlled AfghanistanRamachandran, Veena
2023-03The Role of AI in Combating Fake News and MisinformationNirban, Virendra Singh; Shukla, Tanu
2023Evidential insights: factors affecting higher education readinessShukla, Tanu; Nirban, Virendra Singh
2023Addressing educational and professional inequalities through capability approachShukla, Tanu
2024Probabilistic Prediction for a Start-Up Success Through Bayesian Networks-Based Machine Learning ApproachShukla, Tanu; Nirban, Virendra Singh
2024Desertscapes in the global south and beyond anthropocene natureculturesShekhawat, Sushila
2023-07Integrating blockchain capabilities in an omnichannel healthcare system: a dual theoretical perspectiveSharma, Sangeeta; Nigam, Achint
2022Women's agency and pastoral livelihoods in India: a reviewNandigama, Sailaja
2024-10Displacement, migration, and resettlement: reading the Mahabharata as a palimpsest of DIDR modelNandigama, Sailaja
2024Environmental socio-scientific issues as contexts in developing scientific literacy in science education: a systematic literature reviewChoudhary, Sanjiv Kumar
2024Reimagining scientific literacy: a framework for future-focused science educationChoudhary, Sanjiv Kumar
2023Academic adjustment and gratitude in college students: a first-hand evidence from a psychological perspectiveChoubisa, Rajneesh
2023Dark tetrad and work-life balance: a case study on married doctoral studentsChoubisa, Rajneesh
2023-05Mastering the Covid-19 pandemic crisis: from anxiety to hopeChoubisa, Rajneesh
2023-05Long-term Future Expectations and Collective HopeChoubisa, Rajneesh
2023Descriptives and factor structure of IASMHS: revalidation analysis in Indian contextChoubisa, Rajneesh
2024The association between Western components of psychotherapy and psychotherapy help-seeking attitudes among Asian Indians: A practice innovationChoubisa, Rajneesh
2024-10Why people make friends: evidence from 12 nationsChoubisa, Rajneesh
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 377