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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 954
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014-10UMAC: A Universal MAC protocol for Wireless NetworksBhatia, Ashutosh
2014-06A media access and feedback protocol for reliable multicast over wireless channelBhatia, Ashutosh
2015-02A Distributed TDMA Slot Scheduling Algorithm for Spatially Correlated Contention in WSNsBhatia, Ashutosh
2015DSLR: A Distributed Schedule Length Reduction Algorithm for WSNsBhatia, Ashutosh
2016-07TRM-MAC: A TDMA-based reliable multicast MAC protocol for WSNs with flexibility to trade-off between latency and reliabilityBhatia, Ashutosh
2016PMAC: A poll-based MAC protocol for wireless body area networks (WBANs)Bhatia, Ashutosh
2017Bandwidth Efficient Clock Skew Compensation in TDMA-Based Star Topology Wireless NetworksBhatia, Ashutosh
20183TAAV: A three-tier architecture for pseudonym-based anonymous authentication in VANETsBhatia, Ashutosh
2018Faster detection and prediction of DDoS attacks using MapReduce and time series analysisBhatia, Ashutosh
2017-12A Delay and Energy Efficient Poll-Based MAC Protocol for Wireless Body Area NetworksBhatia, Ashutosh
2018On the Learning Capabilities of Recurrent Neural Networks: A Cryptographic PerspectiveBhatia, Ashutosh
2019A Topology Independent TDMA-based MAC protocol for Vehicular NetworksBhatia, Ashutosh
2019Trustless Two-Factor Authentication Using Smart Contracts in BlockchainsBhatia, Ashutosh
2019Zero Knowledge Proof based authentication protocol using graph isomorphismBhatia, Ashutosh
2019-12Detecting Domain Generation Algorithms to prevent DDoS attacks using Deep LearningBhatia, Ashutosh
2019A Blockchain based Solution to Know Your Customer (KYC) DilemmaBhatia, Ashutosh
2019A Two-Phase Scheme for Distributed TDMA Scheduling in WSNs with Flexibility to Trade-off between Schedule Length and Scheduling TimeBhatia, Ashutosh
2019-03Exploiting Multiple Paths in Multi-hop Co-operative Ad-Hoc Networks for Providing Security without Trusted Third PartyBhatia, Ashutosh
2019-03Detection of Algorithmically Generated Domain Names in BotnetsBhatia, Ashutosh
2020-03Bitcoin Data Analytics: Exploring Research Avenues and Implementing a Hadoop-Based Analytics FrameworkBhatia, Ashutosh
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 954