Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 755
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2018-05 | Exploring Compressed Top Squark Region with Kinematic Variables | Mandal, Tanmoy |
2018-04 | Constraining slepton and chargino through compressed top squark search | Mandal, Tanmoy |
2015-11 | Implications of unitarity and charge breaking minima in a left-right symmetric model | Mondal, Tanmoy |
2020-01 | Gamma-ray signals from multicomponent scalar dark matter decays | Mondal, Tanmoy |
2019-02 | Right sneutrino with Δ𝐿��=2 masses as nonthermal dark matter | Mondal, Tanmoy |
2019-06 | Nonstandard signatures of vectorlike quarks in a leptophobic 221 model | Mondal, Tanmoy |
2017-11 | Demystifying the compressed top squark region with kinematic variables | Mondal, Tanmoy |
2014-12 | Higgs vacuum stability and inflationary dynamics after BICEP2 and PLANCK dust polarisation data | Mondal, Tanmoy |
2017-11 | Reconstructing a light pseudoscalar in the Type-X two Higgs doublet model | Mondal, Tanmoy |
2018 | Reconstructing heavy Higgs boson masses in a type X two-Higgs-doublet model with a light pseudoscalar particle | Mondal, Tanmoy |
2015-05 | Constraints on a seesaw model leading to quasidegenerate neutrinos and signatures at the LHC | Mondal, Tanmoy |
2017 | Heavy stable charged tracks as signatures of non-thermal dark matter at the LHC: a study in some non-supersymmetric scenarios | Mondal, Tanmoy |
2015 | Looking for hints of a reconstructible seesaw model at the Large Hadron Collider | Mondal, Tanmoy |
2019-12 | Electron EDM and muon anomalous magnetic moment in two-Higgs-doublet models | Mondal, Tanmoy |
2014-03 | Constraining a class of 𝐵��−𝐿�� extended models from vacuum stability and perturbativity | Mondal, Tanmoy |
2015-05 | Class of Higgs-portal dark matter models in the light of gamma-ray excess from galactic center | Mondal, Tanmoy |
2014-05 | Copositive criteria and boundedness of the scalar potential | Mondal, Tanmoy |
2014-03 | Constraining minimal 𝑈��(1)𝐵��−𝐿�� model from dark matter observations | Mondal, Tanmoy |
2020-03 | Searching for a light Higgs boson via the Yukawa process at lepton colliders | Mondal, Tanmoy |
2020-08 | Models of decaying FIMP Dark Matter: potential links with the Neutrino Sector | Mondal, Tanmoy |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 755