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Title: Synthesis Characterization and Catalytic Applications of Mesoporous Materials
Authors: Khetarpal, Divya
Keywords: Chemistry
Mesoporous Siliceous Materials
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: BITS Pilani
Abstract: In the current scenario there is regular demand to eliminate waste and avoid the use of newlinetoxic hazardous reagents, solvents in the manufacture and application of commercial newlineproducts. Hence our attention was drawn to the problem of waste in the fine chemical newlineindustry (approx E factor-5 {kg of waste per kg of product}) that is less favorably viewed newlinecompared to the petroleum, gas, electricity and paper industries. The range of fine chemical newlineproducts is enormous and these products make an invaluable contribution to the quality of newlineour lives with manufacturing plants having capacities ranging from a few tonnes per year newlinecompared to 500,000 tonnes per year in the petrochemicals area. Hence a new approach is newlinerequired which sets out to reduce the materials and energy intensity of chemical processes newlineand products by maximizing the use of renewable resources and extending the durability, newlinerecyclability in a way which increases industrial competitiveness. newlineSolid catalyst in this regard provides numerous opportunities for recovering and newlinerecycling catalysts from reaction environment with improved processing steps, better process newlineeconomics and environmental friendly ways. So to achieve desired activity and selectivity, newlineefforts were devoted to develop new heterogeneous systems. Nanoporous materials offer newlinesuch possibilities in this regard, exhibiting wide range of properties with desired newlinefunctionalities and properties. These materials are of immense importance scientifically and newlineindustrially because of their advantages such as large surface area, small particle size and newlinewell-defined pore sizes; therefore at present there is focus for the development of newlinenanocatalyst wherein the funding is raised from $116 million to $9 billion and still projected newlineto increase further by 2014. newlineThe thesis is composed of two separate projects. The first project deals with newlinehydrotalcites (layered double hydroxides, LDH) wherein the flexibility in the composition newlineled to increased interest in these materials. LDH represent an inexpensive, versatile and newlinerecycl
Description: Guide(s): Amit Dubey
URI: http://dspace.bits-pilani.ac.in:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/4682
Appears in Collections:Department of Chemistry

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