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Title: COVID-19 and the Challenges of Virtual Mode of Education in India–University Practice Connect
Authors: Padhi, Balakrushna
Keywords: Economics and Finance
COVID-19 pandemic
Virtual Mode of Education
Right To Education
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Azim Premji University
Abstract: The COVID-19 outbreak that led to the closure of schools has had an unprecedented effect on children’s education and wellbeing. It is important to note that interrupting education services can have serious, long-term consequences for economies and societies, such as an increase in inequality, poorer health and nutrition outcomes, and reduced social cohesion. Therefore, the need to promote and safeguard every child’s right to education as set out in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) and the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act (RTE) should be given the utmost priority.
URI: https://practiceconnect.azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in/covid-19-and-the-challenges-of-virtual-mode-of-education-in-india/
Appears in Collections:Department of Economics and Finance

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