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Browsing by Author "Maccoll, Allan"

Browsing by Author "Maccoll, Allan"

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  • Loudon, Alexander G.; Maccoll, Allan; Smith, David (Journal of the Chemical Society : Faraday Transaction - I. The Chemical Society, London. 1973, 69 (5), 1973)
    The 13C/12C isotope effects in the decomposition of all the mono-13C malonic acid species have been determined. Three rate constant ratios have been determined, and two of these are in good agreement with the values recorded ...
  • Loudon, Alexander G.; Maccoll, Allan; Smith, David (Journal of the Chemical Society : Faraday Transaction - I. The Chemical Society, London. 1973, 69 (5), 1973)
    The rate constant ratio l4k/l5k was determined for the decomposition of some diazonium fluoro- borates in aqueous solution in both the presence and absence of added salts. The implications of the results for the mechanism ...
  • Maccoll, Allan; Nagra, Surgit S. (Journal of the Chemical Society : Faraday Transaction - I. The Chemical Society, London. 1973, 69 (6), 1973)
    The kinetics of the gas phase pyrolysis of N-t-butylacetamide have been studied in a static system over the temperature range 385–465°C. The decomposition occurs by two simultaneous, homogeneous and unimolecular processes. ...