DSpace Repository

Browsing by Subject "Zeolite"

Browsing by Subject "Zeolite"

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  • Benedict, Samatha (IEEE, 2019)
    In this report, we investigate zeolite as a humidity filter by optimizing its heating temperature providing constant humidity to the gas sensor chip. The metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) based gas sensor signals are prone ...
  • Egerton, T. A.; Stone, F. S. (Journal of the Chemical Society : Faraday Transaction - I. The Chemical Society, London. 1973, 69 (1), 1973)
    Adsorption of carbon monoxide has been studied on Zeolite Y in which Na* ions have been partially exchanged for Zn2+, Mn2\ Co2+, Ni2% Cu2+, Ba2+, UOf and Cc3+ ions. The divalent ions all produced sites for specific CO ...