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Inverse seesaw and (g − 2) anomalies in B − L extended two Higgs doublet model

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dc.contributor.author Mondal, Tanmoy
dc.date.accessioned 2024-08-21T10:54:35Z
dc.date.available 2024-08-21T10:54:35Z
dc.date.issued 2022-03
dc.identifier.uri https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0550321322000670
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.bits-pilani.ac.in:8080/jspui/xmlui/handle/123456789/15331
dc.description.abstract We propose a gauged extended two Higgs doublet model to explain both neutrino mass and lepton anomalous magnetic moments (). Neutrino mass is generated via an inverse seesaw mechanism by introducing singlet fermions. Especially, we update the result of muon () in light of the very recent report by E989 experiment at Fermilab, indicating . Combining BNL result, we have the following deviation from the standard model prediction at 4.2 σ. Thanks to an appropriate assignment for symmetry and larger that is favored by type-X model, we realize natural hierarchies among neutral fermions. The lepton anomalous magnetic moments can be induced at the one loop level by introducing an iso-spin singlet singly-charged boson. This charged scalar plays a significant role in evading chiral suppression of these phenomenologies. We show sizable lepton () can be obtained after satisfying all the flavor constraints, such as and flavor conserving leptonic Z boson decays. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Elsevier en_US
dc.subject Physics en_US
dc.title Inverse seesaw and (g − 2) anomalies in B − L extended two Higgs doublet model en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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