Measurement of the yields of CO2, CO, H2, CH4, C2H6 and of trapped paramagnetic species reveals substantial differences in the radiolysis of CH3COOH and CH3COOK both at room temperature and 77 K. Microwave power saturation of e.s.r. spectra in both CH3COOH and CH3COOK was observed. Anion radical (CH3COOH)– is the main trapped paramagnetic species in CH3COOH at 77 K; an additional structure at microwave power below 15 µW was discovered. In irradiated CH3COOK the radical · CH2COO– was found as a main paramagnetic species; in addition to that a quartet assigned to · CH3 radical and a broad singlet were observed. The temperature dependence of the final product yields and of paramagnetic species is also presented. The possible reasons for the differences observed in the radiolysis of both compounds are discussed.