In the current smart world, everything should be done faster, smarter, and accurate way. The various organization’s recruitment processes will be done face to face in an arranged venue. But, during some pandemics like Covid-19 face to face recruitment process will be very difficult. In the proposed system, a smarter way of performing the recruitment processes anywhere around the world based on the company requirements is performed. The aim of this article deals with making the process of candidate recruitment easier for companies. The amount of manual work that goes into recruiting processes is reduced and the initial scanning process of candidates was performed. By eliminating the redundant candidates helps in retaining only the applicable ones. Achieve this through the help of resume scanning, initial aptitude testing of candidates, and an interview session where the candidate answers questions asked by the interviewer. With this model, all the time and manual labor that is wasted in eliminating the redundant candidates is accomplished. It chooses the one who is best applicable to a job by comparing it with the job description based on the resumes received. Our model is working accurately for some of the predefined parameters of the company in a recruitment process by providing more security and reliability