It gives us immense pleasure to present the PU Chronicles for the second semester of 2018-19. The document aims to provide you with information that would help you to make important decisions related to your placements and academics. This document has been curated by compiling the interview experiences from students who cleared the interview
rounds and were placed in the companies that visited campus in 2018-19 Sem 2. This is by no means an exhaustive perspective and thus can be very resourceful to students as they gear up for the processes yet to come. We urge you to get in touch with us directly to clarify doubts, and also write to us at pu.bitspilani@gmail.com and/or on the Slack channels in case you notice any glaring errors. We will ensure that a rectification notice is sent at the earliest. A word of caution. Placements is an extremely volatile area, and changes based on a number of factors such as market conditions, recruiter relationships and business constraints. Please read through the document with the awareness that the trend for a certain year may not be the trend for the next year. Hence, streams that did not do well in a particular year well be the best placed in the following year. The rounds and processes conducted by a company in the previous semester may very well differ this semester.
Hence, prepare hard, be optimistic, and rest assured - the Placement Unit is always there for you!