This solid waste may contaminate surface run-off and surface water. In stainless steel pickling industries, a lot of sludge is generated and disposal of above sludge as per Act of Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 1989 is not easy. In the normal practice, the sludge is being disposed off on both sides of roads and railway tracks to fill low lying areas. This causes a severe problem, because during rains, the entire toxic compound (leachate) goes into ground and pollutes the ground water. Seeing the above problem, a study is taken for utilization of pickling sludge with fly ash to avoid the problem of disposal. Cement concrete hollow cavity bricks can be made and compressive strength of cement concrete hollow cavity brick is found to increase with addition of 7.5% TSLS (treated spent liquor sludge) and 15% fly ash as a partial replacement of cement. Formation of C-S-H gel may be contributing to increase in compressive strength.