The global epidemic of type 2 diabetes is increasing at an alarming rate in both newlinedeveloped and developing countries around the world The emerging pandemic is driven by the combined effects of population ageing rising levels of obesity and inactivity and greater longevity among patients with diabetes that is attributable to improved management The micro and macro vascular complications associated with type 2 diabetes account for the majority of the social and economic burden among patients and society more broadly Though the genetic basis of type 2 diabetes is not understood completely the familial nature of the disease is well recognized Studies on newlinehereditary nature of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus T2DM have indicated both strong and newlinesuggestive linkage signals at loci 2q3237 3q2229 and 10q2526 on chromosome 2 3 newlineand 10 respectively The genetic variations such as single nucleotide polymorphisms newlineSNPs reported in the genes present in these regions are associated slightly with increased risk for type2 diabetes but they only marginally improve the odds of predicting whether an individual will get type2 diabetes based on the traditional newlineclinical characteristics combining age sex and weight Additionally diabetes is known newlineto be influenced by a number of environmental factors that affect body composition markers which in turn are regulated by Quantitative Trait Loci QTLs mapped to these loci as well We have therefore undertaken populationbased genetic screening using microsatellite markers to identify the potential association of these loci with T2DM in North Indian population and to identify the most crucial risk loci among the three associated with the pathogenesis of the disease in North Indians newlineThe study recruited two hundred and ninety one 291 subjects with Type 2 Diabetes newlineMellitus and around four hundred and seventy five 475 unrelated healthy volunteers newlineas controls without any history of diabetes and related comorbidities The subjects were newlineexamined by genotyping using PCRSSLP technique to ascertain disease association.