This paper proposes a cross layer approach for
efficient dissemination of emergency messages in VANETs (CLDEM)
by minimizing the message redundancy and maintaining low
end-to-end communication delays. We propose a scheme to select a
one-hop neighbor relay as a potential forwarder for relaying the
broadcast messages to improve the transmission reliability in a
platoon of vehicles. The relay selection metrics compose of vehicular
density, vehicular velocity, and the geographical location. The
selected relay controls the broadcast messages with minimum
overhead and with minimum bandwidth consumption. To provide the
service differentiation to different traffic classes, we adopt 802.11e
MAC. The cross layer is further extended to the transport layer to
dynamically adapt the data transmission rate based on the physical
channel state. The extensive simulation analysis conducted reveals
that the proposed cross-layer scheme effectively propagates the
critical broadcast messages with minimum latency.