This paper introduces an irradiance loss factor that quantifies the relationship between irradiance, tilt angle and power output of a soiled panel with the soil particle size composition. Artificial soiling experiments were performed using four soil samples at irradiance levels between 200 and 1200 W/m2 at 18 tilt angles. Biharmonic interpolation was used to develop power contours in terms of irradiance and tilt angle from experimentally obtained data. These contours were compared with ideal ones of a clean panel to observe deviation in the nature of contours for a soiled panel. A correction factor in terms of particle size composition (as a coefficient to tilt angle) was proposed to calculate power output of a tilted soiled panel. The angular loss on a panel with soil sample containing 150 μm particle size in abundance was observed to be 22% and for sample containing 75 μm particles in majority, the loss is 24%. Presence of 300 μm particle size in abundance causes a 23.7% loss, while 52% angular loss was observed for soil with highest composition of less than 75 μm particle size.