License Plate Recognition (LPR) is the most
interesting and challenging area of research due to its
importance to a wide range of commercial application. It is
known that the number plates differ in shape and size. License
plate recognition (LPR) is an image processing technology used
to extract vehicle information from their license plates. There
are three modules in license plate recognition system. 1)
Detection 2) Character segmentation 3) Character recognition.
There are many techniques for license plate detection, each
having its own advantages and drawbacks. The basic step of
license plate detection is localization of number plate. This
paper compares morphological method, histogram based
method and mathematical morphology methods of license plate
detection. Character segmentation is done by using connected
component and thresholding method. Character recognition is
done by template matching method. The aim of this paper is to
study and evaluates some of the most important license plate
recognition algorithms