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Unified Performance Assessment of Optical Wireless Communication Over Multi-Layer Underwater Channels

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dc.contributor.author Zafaruddin, S.M.
dc.contributor.author Chaubey, Vinod Kumar
dc.date.accessioned 2023-03-27T10:26:02Z
dc.date.available 2023-03-27T10:26:02Z
dc.date.issued 2022-10
dc.identifier.uri https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9865170
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.bits-pilani.ac.in:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/9978
dc.description.abstract In this paper, we model the multi-layer vertical underwater link as a cascaded channel and unify the performance analysis for the underwater optical communication (UWOC) system using generalized Gamma (GG), exponential GG (EGG), exponentiated Weibull (EW), and Gamma-Gamma ( ΓΓ ) oceanic turbulence models. We derive unified analytical expressions for probability density function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) for the signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) considering independent and non-identical (i.ni.d.) turbulent models and zero bore-sight model for pointing errors. We develop performance metrics of the considered UWOC system using outage probability, average bit error rate (BER), and ergodic capacity with asymptotic expressions for outage probability and average BER. We develop the diversity order of the proposed system to provide a better insight into the system performance at a high SNR. We also integrate a terrestrial OWC (TOWC) subjected to the combined effect of generalized Malága atmospheric turbulence, fog-induced random path gain, and pointing errors to communicate with the UWOC link using the fixed-gain amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying. We analyze the performance of the mixed TWOC and multi-layer UWOC system by deriving PDF, CDF, outage probability, and average BER using the bivariate Fox H-function. We use Monte-Carlo simulation results to validate our exact and asymptotic expressions and demonstrate the performance of the considered underwater UWOC system using measurement-based parametric data available for turbulent oceanic channels. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher IEEE en_US
dc.subject EEE en_US
dc.subject Cascaded channels en_US
dc.subject Multi-layer channels en_US
dc.subject Mellin's transform en_US
dc.subject Performance analysis en_US
dc.subject Oceanic turbulence en_US
dc.subject UWOC en_US
dc.title Unified Performance Assessment of Optical Wireless Communication Over Multi-Layer Underwater Channels en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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